Monday, June 13, 2016

Your Joy is my Strength

"The joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

This morning I woke up a little sore as I slept with the monitors all night. I was grateful for my day nurse who helped prop me up and get me more comfortable again. Each morning the nurse flushes my  IV. My IV wouldn't flush, so I had to get another put in. The past 2 I had were put in my left arm. This time she put it in my right arm to give my left arm a rest. When she did so, it hurt more than normal and she thought she blew my vein. I just remembered looking away as I always do and praying that God would let it work. Then she told me never mind, I believe I got it. I felt so relieved and thanked God for getting me through it without another stick in my arm. The rest of the days activities were more challenging as I am right handed. So I couldn't twist my arm in every way as before. I at times use my left hand to eat, color, and brush my teeth. Yes, it may not be as easy, but I think of those with one arm. They can do anything and don't complain. So, I am taking this as another cherished moment to remember how easy I have it to have 2 arms and be able to use my right hand throughout my life. Being without its full power for a moment is nothing. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

After I ate breakfast, one of my favorite visitors popped in.... Dr. Pyle. Everytime he comes in, he brings in sunshine and just really uplifts my spirit. It was a beautiful way to start my day! He told me how excited he was that Asher has made it to 25 weeks and 2 days. We then discussed the power of faith and staying strong. He told me several times while visiting that  Asher's strength comes from the strength of James and I. He stayed and talked for about 10 minutes and just made me feel right at home. I felt God working through Him the whole time, especially when he talked about the power of strength. It was like God was saying, through your faith and trust in Me, I have made you strong, which has kept Asher strong. The quote above was found on my coloring page today and was perfect. God had brought Dr. Pyle to me today to bring joy to my day to keep me strong. He had worked through Dr. Pyle. Thank You God for bringing Dr. Pyle into my life. He knows how to keep me strong and can relate to me in the most meaningful ways.

After he left, I finally got off the monitor and ate lunch. I then continued to read the book that James got me yesterday. If you have read "Heaven is for Real", Todd and Sonja Burpo came out with another book that reflects on it more and shares more than what they shared in first book and movie. The book is called "Heaven Changes Everything". I began it last night and am over half way through it. I feel God guided me to this more reflective book for a reason. Each Chapter ends with a thought and Bible Verse. They experienced a hardship of almost losing their son, and even though we are going through a different type of fight than what they did, I can really relate with them. 3 chapters really hit me today.

In one chapter they talk about how Colton met his older sister he didn't know he had when he visited Heaven. It hit Todd and Sonja's hearts because they had miscarried a child before Colton was born. They then knew that child was in Heaven shining down on them from above. It ends with them saying... picture the family members you have in Heaven during difficult times..they are praying for you to cross that finish line victorious. It ends with this quote: "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnared us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." This reminded me of my brother and all my family up in Heaven who are watching over us... they will be with Asher and I through it all... they will cheer us on when we cross that finish line.

In another chapter, they reflect back to that night that they almost lost Colton. They were told he wouldn't make it, but as it was occurring they had a whole group of people praying. Within a short amount of time, things turned and Colton made it and was normal again with smiles. The chapter ends with this Bible quote, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." It made me reflect back to that night, that scary night. Like them, with how things were looking, Asher wasn't going to make it. Yet in my darkness, I kept hope as the reading for the night said "Nothing is impossible with God." I also had family and friends praying hard for Asher, me, and my family. God heard those prayers and answered them with His grace. He had a beautiful plan to keep Asher strong and has made him the amazing fighter he is. So, know All of you have made a difference and continue to make a difference as God is listening and is miraculous! I have to add a God moment with this as last night there was a knock at my door. In came in the nurse that was with me in the ER that scary night. She did all she could to comfort us that night. She came in last night to express how happy she was to see me here and know Asher made it to 25 weeks. She told us she kept praying that night. I thanked her and told her that meant everything because God heard all the prayers and He does amazing things even at the bumpiest moments! I thank God for all her care, prayers, and thoughtfulness to stop in. She has faith in Asher too!

The other chapter that hit me talked about  how through this scary road they traveled, they learned what life was about. It wasn't about having the largest mansion, newest car, etc. Life is about family. The things of the world might make you happy for a moment, but they won't give you love, hope, true joy that lasts. It is the gift of family and close friends that matter the most. They will always be there for you. It ended with the  Bible quote, " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34
 This reminded me of this journey I am on too. Yes, I could be out and about enjoying my summer. I could be swimming, I could be shopping, I could be searching for that new vehicle I wanted. That isn't important to me. This journey has taught me that my family is what means the most to me. I am fighting with Asher. I am doing all I can to keep him strong in this fight. That is what is important to me. Thank You God for giving me this time to grow closer to you and become a strong fighter with Asher. Thank You for reminding me what life is truly about.

As I was reading this book after lunch, my stomach began to cramp. It wasn't just a little cramp, it spreaded across my stomach and made me feel like I could cry. I contacted my nurse and she put me on the monitor to make sure it wasn't contractions. We both thought it may just have been I had to use the restroom, not the to give too much info... I apologize lol. Anyways, I kept the my Rosary on my belly and just prayed that God would protect me and let it pass by. It was a blessing to know I had no sign of contractions. I then was able to use the restroom. I then rested and that same pain came back. I got a little nervous again, but kept praying to God. I was finally relieved as I went again and it finally went away. So, again thank You God for getting me through the pain and comforting me. I knew all was going to be just fine because You are always with me holding my hand.

So thank all of you for adding joy to my everyday which gives Asher and me growing strength through this fight. God is right here with all of us and hears our prayers. He is out greatest listener, filler of joy, and light. He is guiding us through this fight to His most beautiful plan. Let us continue to join God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints  in this amazing fight for Asher. He is so strong and a true miracle! Thank You God for your continuous miraculous works! The joy You bring me gives me strength. I place my full trust in You and love You above all things! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! 25 weeks and 2 days! We will keep the prayers coming:)
    Alison and family
