Monday, June 6, 2016

My Helping Hand

The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade;
he is beside you at your right hand.
R. Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

The LORD then said to Elijah:
“Leave here, go east
and hide in the Wadi Cherith, east of the Jordan.
You shall drink of the stream,
and I have commanded ravens to feed you there.”
So he left and did as the LORD had commanded.
He went and remained by the Wadi Cherith, east of the Jordan.
Ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning,
and bread and meat in the evening,
and he drank from the stream.

This morning I woke up after a good night's rest. I decided  to sleep in my hospital bed as I feel the mattress is more comfortable than the sofa sleeper. This week James is working nights, so I feel blessed to have his company throughout the day.

Last night Asher was a little stinker and didn't want to stay put on the heart monitor. I believe he has repositioned himself in me as the past couple days my belly feels more stretched in a different way if that makes sense at all! We managed to keep it on the monitor for an hr through me holding it down with pressure during the hour. I don't think Asher likes the monitor lol as he tends to kick me a lot when it is on! Anyways, this morning my day nurse and I laughed because we found him just like that and he stayed on the monitor without us having to put extra pressure on it etc. I still felt what felt like tiny toes kicking it as it was on. It just made me smile because I know he is happy and moving in me. Tomorrow I will get my blood count tested and ultrasound where they will measure heart rate, his growth, and for the first time the total amount of fluid left in me. I am also curious to see if Asher did reposition himself in me as we now monitor his heart at the center of my belly, whereas before we always found it strongest at my lower right. He has been breech with every ultrasound so far, but we will see where God is keeping him comforted in there tomorrow. Last week my blood count was a little high, which is something they are keeping an eye on. So we will see if it has dropped any tomorrow, and I ask for your prayers it has either stayed stable or went down.

Just a little bit ago I met with a physical therapist as my legs have been bothering me being on bed rest. She was very helpful and showed me stretches I can do 2 to 3 times a day to try my best to regain and keep strength while on bedrest. She also showed me best ways to get in and out of bed and how to position myself in bed to avoid discomfort. I felt so blessed to have her spend time with me and also have James there so he could learn some ways to help me too. I am going to make it my goal to stick with it and do them atleast twice a day as I know it will help me.

I love part of the response and first reading that I began this post with. It reminds me that God is always beside me, guarding me, and helping me in everyway. Just like he was there for Elijah and gave him all his needs. Our God is so gracious. He only wants protect us and provide us all our needs whether we are at home during our normal routine or facing a great challenge. I feel his help surrounding me all throughout the day. Whether it is through His words, through having James here with me each day, having generous nurses who always show kindness and go out of the way, having intelligent and down to earth doctors who care and do all they can in Asher's fight, having wonderful parents, in-laws, and friends who have opened their arms to Easton and offered to take care of him and show him so much love, or having all of you, his prayer warriors, fighting with Asher, even those of you I never met, what faith you have in this fight!

So thank You God for being my guard and helping hand throughout this fight! You meet my every need and show me Your everlasting love each day and in every moment! You are keeping Asher and I strong. Thank You for working through all of these beautiful people to keep us strong. You are an Amazing protector and God. I love You above all things!

Thank all of you for your continued prayers and support in this fight for Asher! Let us stay united with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints for Asher! He is a miracle and getting stronger each day all because of you and God's miraculous works!

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