Friday, June 10, 2016

Update and Resting in God

" Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29

Last night I was monitored from 11 pm til 1am. I remember praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the next thing I knew my nurse was in here. I ended up falling asleep during the Rosary, but I always say that if I fall asleep the Angels will finish it for me. Near 1 am the nurse came in while I slept and woke me up to shift as Asher's heart rate dipped down for a little bit. After I shifted, his heart rate stayed at a good rate. I then went back to sleep.

 Before I knew it, James was back and my dad headed home. At 5 am, I got the monitor put back on. This time I woke up at 7 and it was time to take monitor off and eat breakfast. Asher's heart stayed strong this time throughout the 2 hrs, which was a blessing! God does wonders! To bring me comfort, I also slept with the Rosary on my belly all night to protect Asher and I. I have faith that brought Asher and I even more protection.😊

While I waited for breakfast, the high risk nurse came by to check on me and update me. She said my blood count was still good, which was calming to know. She then discussed with me that on the ultrasound from yesterday it either showed Asher's cord wrapped loosely around his neck or it just lying against it. That was alarming to me and anxiety hit me. Again I told my self to relax and know God will hold my hand and everything will be just fine. She said they will do another ultrasound today to look closer at the cord and see where it is. They will continue to monitor me for 2 hr intervals 4 times a day. If they continue to see a pattern of drops in his heart rate or if it would stay constant, we would go ahead and deliver Asher. Yes, it is scary and hard to relax, but again God and Josh are at my side and all will be okay. I can choose to live in fear and lose hope, or I can relax and let God take charge. My full trust is in God, so I am going to remain strong and relax.

Dr. Fitzpatrick came in while I ate my breakfast. He informed me again of the situation, but he said his heart still looks really good. He said with that, it is still best to keep Asher in me. But again if it becomes constant or develops into a pattern, then it will be best to deliver Asher. I also am preparing myself for a possible emergency csection, which could mean I am put out. It is again frightening to me, but again God will guide us to the best plan!

I will post an ultrasound update once I know the results. I just ask for your continuous prayers during this uncertain time, but an uncertain time that is being put in God's hands because I am certain of His love, comfort, and miraculous works! God, Josh, and all of the Angels and Saints along with all of you are our rocks. Thank you for all your comfort, love. prayers and hope! Dear God, thanks for being right beside me and fighting with Asher and I! Your endless mercy and love keep us strong and let us stay relaxed because you are right with us! I love You above all things!

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