Friday, June 24, 2016

Ultrasound Update

This morning I woke up to my nurse coming at 7 to take my monitors off. Just as she was about to, Asher had a 2 minute dip. Usually, I stand strong and not let fear get me, but I felt scared. I turned side to side, and what was 2 minutes seemed forever. Finally, being the little warrior he is and with God's beautiful grace, his heart rate rose back up and he stayed strong. I just remember in those 2 minutes telling God it is in Your will. If Asher needs to come now, let it be. I repeated it in my mind several times, and then God answered. Seeing that his heart rate went back up was like God telling me, "My child, not yet. He still needs to be in you and keep strong. I am holding  his hand and he will be just fine."

My anxiety calmed as Asher was fine and I knew God was with us as He always is. He does miraculous works! I then read my Bible verses and daily reading. The daily reading hit me, as it made me remember the quote last night as I read my Living Faith devotion book that was about today's reading. In my Living Faith book the devotion was titled "A Guiding Hand". It caught my eye right away because that was so true, God is a guiding hand throughout our lives. But then it really got me when I read the verse which is part of today's daily reading. "The Lord called me from birth, from my mother's womb he gave me my name." It again made me think of Asher, God creating Asher was a miracle and God blessing Asher in defeating the odds is another miracle. Then he guided us to the perfect name before we were even led on this journey as his name means happy, blessed, fortunate. He knew Asher would be blessed, fortunate, and happy because he would be a little fighter who God blessed to defeat the odds for a reason. God is keeping him happy because he is protecting him and because his mommy, daddy, and all his prayer warriors have faith in Him. Reading those words and the heading was a God moment. God was reminding me what a miraculous gift Asher truly is and He is guiding him and us through this fight each and every moment.

That moment reminded me to not be scared when Asher's heart rate drops. I must keep strong because God has a special day and time for Asher to enter this world. So no matter when that moment comes, I need to stay calm and trust because through God's guiding hand we will overcome this mountain!

I then opened my devotional coloring book and the quote was perfect. God was again speaking to me. "Choose faith over worry." God was telling me, " My child, you have nothing to worry. Your faith in Me is keeping you and Asher strong." While I colored it, my high risk nurse came in and mentioned how she heard about the drop this morning. I then told her that it did scare me at first because it is just the mommy in me. But I then showed her the quote in front of me. I told her God calmed me as I have faith and so I don't need to worry. She agreed. She then told me to look how far I came, and how she at first wasn't sure how it would all play out. I then told her I just am so blessed because I have God keeping me strong and prayer warriors surrounding us in prayer. I said God has a special plan for this little miracle and he heard the prayers. It is because of Him that Asher is almost 27 weeks! She agreed and then told me that I would have a BFI at my ultrasound today that would make me feel even better. A BFI is when the baby is scored according to movements and fluid levels. The goal is to score a 10. So after she left the room, I eagerly waited for my ultrasound.

9:00 hit, and I awaited for a Skype call. My parents and sister were at the reception hall with the technology person to test out Skype with me. A little past 9, I received the call. Sure enough it worked beautifully! It was clear and we could hear each other. I will just have to remember to talk slow during my speech as it can echo some. It turns out that the hall has a big screen and then small TVs surrounding so everyone can see. My dad joked and said I was famous lol. I just said that it will be better once I have my hair and makeup done lol. Again, I am so grateful for the creation of Skype to allow me to be part of my sister's special day! I t is just proof that God let's everything fall into place, so there is no need to worry.

James then left to get Easton from Ali's house and go home to pick up my bridesmaid dress, as I would get it ready to be altered after lunch. While they were gone, I read my book as I listened to the calming sound of Asher's strong heart beat. Before I knew it, there was a knock on the door and ultrasound was ready for me. Again I wheeled out to freedom down the hall to the ultrasound room. They began by measuring his heart rate which was strong at 139. They then checked my fluid. This time it measured around 2 cm. Just last week I was at around 6, then 4 on Tuesday, and now at 2. Yes, I know it dropped, but it really didn't surprise me. As Asher gets bigger, it will be more difficult to keep a large amount in. I was just happy that he still had some, which is a true blessing! They then did the BFI. He did well on all his movements, but I knew the fluid one would be hard to pass. They would have to find a 2 by 2 pocket, which they haven't been able to find in the past. So again they couldn't, and being that my fluid was low, I suspected that. Asher scored an 8 out of 10 which is amazing! If he would of had a 2 by 2 pocket, he would have a 10. But that didn't bother me! God has blessed him to move around just fine despite the small fluid I have, and that is a miracle!

I then got wheeled back to my room to finish monitoring and to order lunch. Once my lunch came, I got off the monitors knowing Asher's heart was beating strongly and ate. James and Easton returned and brought in my beautiful light blue mint dress. James placed Easton on the couch as the poor guy was exhausted and ran back to the car for food. While James was out, Easton cried as he was just that tired. It broke my heart, but was glad to see him peacefully take a nap and cuddle with his daddy once James returned.

Easton slept peacefully on the couch as the alteration lady knocked on the door. I never met her before, but she was another blessing as she took time out of her day to come to the hospital and pin my dress. I was surprised because the upper part of my dress fit me perfectly. I thought it would be a little big, but it wasn't. She just had to take my shoulders in some. The dress was a little long, so she pinned it up about an inch or so. She then spent some time talking with us which was very nice. As she left with my pretty dress, I again thanked her for doing this for me. She is truly another gift sent from God and will help me feel part of my sister's big day.

After she left, I asked the nurse if she thinks on my sister's big day I could be wheeled outside and stand to take some photos of me in my dress along with James who kindly agreed to dress in the shirt, tie, and pants I had got him for her wedding. She said certainly. Even though I won't be at my sister's wedding, having the technology plus being allowed to step outside, which I haven't in over a month, and take pictures will make the day still very special. They really go out of their way here to make things work and make you feel like you are still part of a very special day. I thank God again for letting things fall into place in a way that will not make the day sad, but happy!

As Easton still rested on the couch and James ran another errand, I had him put in a DVD that Donna brought me to watch of an amazing speaker. He talked about how AMAZING God truly is... how he created the Universe which is bigger than we know, how he created each of us and how each of us are a miracle, and how God uses our hard times for us to grow closer to Him. I loved watching every moment of it, and thank Donna for sharing it with me. She also brought me a few books and more DVDs to watch. What a blessing she is. And I couldn't thank God enough for letting her enter my life. It is so neat to be able to talk about faith in God with her. She is an amazing nurse and an amazing woman!

Easton then woke up and was back to his normal silly self. I held a plate with his happy meal food as he ate it. We then played trucks and made silly faces at each other. I again cherished each moment with him and look forward to a weekend spent with him!

Dear God, thank you for Your beautiful works. Because of You, I have nothing to fear. Through my trust in You, You will guide Asher and I to Your amazing plan. Thank You for guiding me to wonderful people who go out of their way just to help me in any way. Thank You for the awesome prayer warriors who continue to pray and fight with us each day. I praise You as You continue to keep Asher and I strong and guide us and protect us with Your loving hands each day. Nothing is impossible with You. I love You above all things!

We can't be more grateful to have all of you our prayer warriors sticking with us each step of the way. Know Your prayers are truly powerful and we feel them all around us. Let us continue to stick with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints in this miraculous fight for Asher! God is truly amazing and what a miracle Asher is!

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