Thursday, June 2, 2016

God Knows What Is Best

R. (4) Teach me your ways, O Lord.
Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;
teach me your paths,
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my savior.
R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.
Good and upright is the LORD;
thus he shows sinners the way.
He guides the humble to justice,
he teaches the humble his way.
R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.
All the paths of the LORD are kindness and constancy
toward those who keep his covenant and his decrees.
The friendship of the LORD is with those who fear him,
and his covenant, for their instruction.
R. Teach me your ways, O Lord.

Last night I went to bed with some low pains, so I had trouble falling asleep right away. As the night went on, I felt relieved and the pains started going away. I believe it was due partly to what I had eaten and also to Asher growing in me as he gets stronger each day. I woke up when James left for work, ordered my breakfast, and then read my daily readings. The response was very powerful and was a reminder to me to always trust in God's path. His path always has a reason and is filled with His goodness. There are times when we worry, like I did some last night as the low pain began. However, I got to leave it to the side as God will let everything be alright. I trust in His path. And He knows what is best for Asher and I. It is so nice to have God as my guide on this journey, I would be lost in the darkness without him trying to find some light. He is my lamp. He brightens my life and the paths He has made for me.

After reading those words and reflecting on them, I had a beautiful God moment enter my room... one that took me by surprise and brought tears to my eyes after. As I was talking to James on the phone, a lady came in. I didn't know who she was. But she then introduced herself and told me how she was a friend of an individual I know and heard my story and read some of my blog. She herself was put on bed rest early in her pregnancy. She was having twins, and throughout her bed rest journey, she made it to 30 weeks, which is amazing! Her twins are now 3 I believe and doing amazing! She told me how she has a soft spot for those experiencing bed rest and how her family has been praying daily for Asher and I. She then brought me a couple books, one to read about the power of a praying parent, and the other a coloring book filled with Bible Quotes. After she left, I was struck by her generosity and thoughtfulness to come visit me just to let me know that Asher and I are in her prayers. Even though we never met, God called her to me and knew she would bring me even more hope. Tears hit my eyes as I then noticed a book mark attached to the book that says, " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  It was that quote that stuck out to me on that goody bag last week, the same quote that is on a piece of wall art my mom gave to hang in my room, and wouldn't you know, I opened up the coloring book she gave me and in the first page I turned to, there it was again. Underneath the quote it says " live your story". I then thought back to the response I began this post with, again about trusting in His plan, His path. I was blown away! God is truly telling me, "my daughter, my plan for you and Asher is beautiful. I will pull you through and give you hope along the way. Always put your trust in my path, because I know what is best for You and Asher. I will never leave you my child."

Just as I was about to end this post, an amazing man entered my room. Dr. Pyle entered, the neku doctor who came by last week who brought us hope. The one who went out of his way and called Dr. Ruff. He came in with the smile that would brighten up any room. He told me how Asher and I are true fighters. He told me to tell James to keep our faith strong, because we are helping Asher in his fight. Everything he said made smile and know God had sent him in to reassure me that He is taking care of me! Having Dr. Pyle go out of his way each week to simply walk in and check on me, cheer me on, and express his faith in Asher and I is a true blessing.

I was again just about to close this post when a text message crossed my phone. Ali, who is taking care of my son, sent a pic of Easton and Mav looking so happy! She went out of her way and took them to Build a Bear. My heart melted as I saw that because she didn't have to, but wanted to. Tears hit my eyes again because it hit me again, God knows the plans for each of us and leads us to His paths. He knew I would need Ali in my life and brought us together as coworkers, and now great friends. He knew she would be perfect help for Easton during this time. It is a blessing knowing God blessed her with the gift of being here for my family and I and taking Easton in like a son of her own. I hope she knows not only how happy she is making Easton throughout this time, but how blessed I am to have her in my life as a great friend.

So I end this post in thanksgiving for God's beautiful endless works. Before in all the busyness. I could have easily missed the ways God works through people. It's these times of rest and closeness with God, that you truly see His works surrounding You. He knows my needs, and works through the gifts of others to keep me strong. Thank you God for always being beside me. Thank you for working through others to bring me constant hope. Thank you for this time of rest, to keep Asher strong and to strengthen my faith in You more and more each day. You are my greatest friend and greatest guide. I put my full trust in Your paths for me. Amen.

Thank all of you for being my hope and strength! I am so blessed to have you continue to join us in this fight for Asher along with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints! Please know how much all of you mean to me! God is guiding Asher and I down the most beautiful path!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that I was able to help! We had so much fun with Easton! We can't wait to have him over again. =)
