Saturday, June 18, 2016

Happy 26 Weeks!

Matthew 6:21
 For  where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

This morning I woke up peaceful as I had slept well and Asher's heart rate stayed strong through both monitoring sessions. I then smiled big as Asher has made it to 26 weeks! This means his survival rate is at 85%! I just think back 4 weeks ago when his chance was 2%. God is BEAUTIFUL and MIRACULOUS! Asher is such a fighter with God right with him!

I then ate breakfast as James gathered laundry etc to take home and wash etc. Right before James was about to leave, there was a knock at the door. Due to Dr. Fitzpatrick being on vacation for a couple weeks and my other high risk doctor about due for her baby, they are bringing in 2 different high risk doctors from Texas area. So today I met one of them that will be taking over for the week, that way once my other high risk doctor goes on maternity leave, these days doctors are aware of the patients etc. She was very nice and I felt very comfortable around her. Her goal today was to meet all her patients and get to know each patient's situation. She definitely had a busy day, but I know God will guide her while she is here caring for us.

Once she left the room, James headed home. One thing we had planned to do this summer was to paint our front door grey. The other day James told me that he would like to do that over the weekend since it was to be nice outside. So his mission today was to paint the door and do the laundry
 I couldn't ask for a more wonderful and thoughtful husband. Getting the door done wasn't on our priority list as our fight for Asher is our main focus and keeping God at the center. But it is a blessing that he got time to do this as it gives him something to do and get a break, and it gives me something to look forward to seeing.

As James was gone, I took the glucose test that every pregnant woman takes around 26 weeks to check for diabetes. I remember taking it with Easton, the most delicious drink... jk! It is a very sweet orange drink that you have to gulp down in 5 minutes. Honestly, I handled the taste better than I thought, but what made my stomach turn was having to gulp it fast. Luckily, my nauseous feeling left after about 15 minutes. I then had to wait an hour, and then they came in and drew my blood. I will find out the results tomorrow.

After my test, my Aunt Jeri and Uncle Farrel entered my room. Jeri carried in a vase of beautiful pink and white flowers. I love them! They brighten my room! 😊 They visited with me as Asher was being monitored. I was glad that they came as I enjoy company. Thank you Jeri and Farrel for visiting and bringing me gorgeous flowers to bring joy into my room. Your thoughtfulness and kindness means so much!

Once they left, my nurse came in and we were happy because Asher again stayed strong during his monitoring! I can't thank God enough for all his amazing works! I then ate lunch and watched a movie.

As I waited for James to return, and prepared for my next monitoring session, my neck became sore. I tried to adjust my pillows in numerous ways, but just couldn't get comfortable. So as my nurse got the monitors on, she told me to try lying back in the recliner on on the couch this evening. So I look forward to trying that to give my body a break from the bed.

Tomorrow I look forward to seeing Easton! Last night Mamaw Fettes came and picked him up. She called me today and said Easton was having a blast in the sand box. She then gave him the phone, and he told me hi and excitingly said that he was playing with toys in the sand. She sent me a pic that I attached below. I was so glad to see him happy and enjoying himself! Tomorrow my parents will bring him here as it is Father's Day, so he can see his daddy. He will spend the afternoon here and then head back home with Mamaw and Papaw Beckman. We will then count down til Wednesday when he will spend time with us again. We are so blessed to have amazing parents that do so much for us and spoil Easton with lots of love and fun!

As I still wait for James to return, I sit here and listen to the most beautiful sound.... Asher's strong heart. There is not any other sound I would rather hear. Listening to his heart is like opening a treasure chest and discovering the most beautiful treasure.... the treasure of a life God has and continues to hold his hands around. A life that God has created and has a very special purpose for. A life he created just for James and I to love and fight for. It is the sound of a miracle that we are so blessed with. Dear God, thank You for all the treasures you have given us and continue to give us. Thank You for the sound of Asher's strong heart. Thank You for holding our hands as we fight for Asher. We can feel You right beside us and know You are here to stay. Having You in our life is the greatest treasure! We love You above all things! Amen.

God has given us the treasure of all of you. Your love, care, and unending prayers are a treasure to us. We couldn't be more blessed, and Asher and I remain strong with God by our side and your prayers surrounding us. Let us continue to join God, Josh  and all the Angels and Saints in this fight. I trust God with my whole heart as He is guiding us to His beautiful path filled with his amazing mercy and treasure. We love all of you so much!

Happy 26 weeks to our little miracle... Asher!😊

1 comment:

  1. Happy 26 weeks Asher!! You are a little miracle, and you're mommy is a trooper!! Prayers continuing! 🙏
