Saturday, June 4, 2016

Making the Best of Everything

But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances;
put up with hardship;
perform the work of an evangelist;
fulfill your ministry. (Part of first reading)

what things are we neglecting that are important to God while we are blinded by our own agendas and comforts? (Discussion question from Daily Bible Verse)

Happy 24 weeks my precious Asher!!

I woke up this morning again feeling refreshed as I heard my son laughing with James in bed since he just woke up. His laugh can bring sunshine to any morning even on a cloudy morning like today. Also, Asher made it to 24 weeks which is miraculous! I told James we need to decorate the room with the #24. I even got the IV needle out of my arm that has been stuck in me since I arrived here a couple weeks ago. I am looking forward to a nice refreshing shower this morning that I can do more independently because I don't have to worry about getting my IV wet.  I ate my breakfast, watched Disney cartoons with Easton, and awaited for my nurse to enter.

When I heard a knock on the door and a greeting of , "Hi James", I at first thought we had an early visitor. However, I was even more excited to know that Jackie, the mom of one of James' close friends from home was my nurse today! She was the generous woman who stopped by a while back and gave me the goody bag with the powerful Bible verse on it. Seeing her and knowing she would be my caregiver for the day meant so much! It is truly a small world and God always finds ways to comfort me.

Today, James parents will be coming to visit and take Easton home. Easton is excited to see them along with the cows, chickens, and our dog Jax, which they are caring for. Easton will then spend time with my mom and dad Sunday evening through Wednesday. Easton loves both his Mamaws and Papaws so much, and I know will have another fun adventure with them! It will be hard not seeing him for a few days, but I am so grateful that he will be with his Mamaws and Papaws and be full of joy! There is nothing greater than seeing your son happy, especially during a difficult time. God has truly blessed him with being such a happy trooper!

This afternoon my mom, dad, and sister are visiting. I feel so blessed that my sister decided to drive home again from Indy to visit me and spend time with me. With her wedding only a few weeks away, which is hard to believe, we will work together on decorating a chalkboard for her reception and putting pictures together for a slideshow. My sister knows that I love to stay busy and have creative projects to pass time, so them bringing the projects here means so much! Thank You God for a wonderful family!

I want to end this post reflecting on the quotes I began this post with. The first was a part of the first reading that stood out to me. My dad told me several days ago that God works in beautiful ways. He said that this blog is not only like medicine for me to stay strong and keep God close through this bumpy road, but he said it is a way that God is using me to inspire others. It really hit me with tears. Writing has always been my passion since my brother passed. It was like a calming medicine to cast all my anxieties away and fully trust in God. When my life got busy, I didn't feel I could use my writing in ways I wanted, such as reflecting or my dream of writing my own book of my life experiences. Writing was just being used to teach my 2nd graders, which I enjoyed and making grocery lists etc. I was missing that time where I could just sit down and write daily reflections. So, this part of the reading hit me because I am using this blog and my joy of writing to stay close to God and to stay strong and full of hope during this mountain climb. I feel so blessed that God gave me this time and the work of His beautiful words to write each post, and I hope the words He is giving me do inspire others to build a closer relationship with Him and see He is a truly Miraculous God.

I had to add a little portion of the Daily Bible Verse explanation to because it fit with my thoughts this morning. Like I said through all of my busyness, I wasn't giving me the time to write and build the close relationship with God. God has blessed me with this time to find that time and remember how important it is in my everyday life. We have to remember that despite how busy we may be, time with God should be always be part of our everyday.

 I opened to my next coloring book page that says, "the happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything." I love this quote. In this life we don't need the newest car, biggest TV, or greatest cell phone invented. It isn't things that make us happy. The happiest people may not have muscles to walk or dance. The happiest people may not have the food and water we take for granted. But the happiest people are those who have God in their lives and make the best of every situation, despite the mountain they may be climbing.

Thank all of you for making me happy and strong in this fight for Asher. I may not be at home, be able to take Easton on a walk around the block, etc, but I am happy because I have all of you along with God, Josh, and the Angels in Saints praying for Asher and my family. I have the best of everything because of all of you! Thank You God for these amazing prayer warriors. Thank you for fighting for Asher and making him grow stronger each day. Thank you for giving me this time to help Asher, to find my joy in writing again, and for the blessing of building a closer relationship with You. You are an AMAZING God and I love you above all things! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post today! Your dad is right that this is inspiring others and you are using your writing talent! Love the coloring book quote!! Absolutely perfect:)
