Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ultrasound Update

"Do not be afraid." 1 Kings 17:13

"The Lord is my strength and my song." Exodus 15:2

Last night I was blessed to have the principal from my school visit and make my evening without James seem not so long. We just sat and talked and watched TV. She also got to see how the heart and contraction monitor works. It is just a blessed feeling to get to hear Asher's heart beat and it's such a miracle! 

After she left, I got ready for bed. I sort of had a headache so my nights sleep wasn't a smooth sail, but I made it through. I was glad when I heard the door creak open and know James was back and he could take my sweaty leg squeezers off. I still had the headache, but hoped going back to sleep for a little would help. I am not one who asks for tyenol right away. However, I woke up with the headache, so I eventually fell for tyenol. I felt a lot better after it kicked in.

I had my blood test early this morning, but still haven't heard the results. I couldn't wait for the ultrasound as for the first time we would know our total amount of fluid. From 9:00, I waited and waited. I went ahead and ate lunch. I waited some more as I felt like I had to use the restroom every hour. My dad was in town for a meeting, so he came and visited with me over the afternoon. As he was here, he heard me talk about craft ideas I wanted to try with Washi tape. I never asked, but being the generous dad he is, he asked if he could get me some. I didn't want him to feel like he had to, but he wanted to. That truly made my day, not just because it would give me something to do tonight, but most importantly because it reminds me how  blessed I am to have the dad I do. So thank you dad for going out of your way not only today, but throughout my whole life, just to be the loving and amazing dad you are! It is because of you that I am strong.

When dad returned with the tape, it was finally time for my ultrasound. It kind of worked out neat because both James and dad could join me this time. On my journey there, it was so refreshing. I know a wheelchair ride just a minute down the hall doesn't seem like much, but to me it was the world. It is the one time I get to escape my room and just feel a little free. Again it just reminds me how much we take for granted whether it be just to step outside or to just be able to walk from the kitchen to the living room in our very own home. 

Once the ultrasound began, they looked at all 4 quadrants to get a total measure of fluid. As they did, we all enjoyed watching Asher wiggle around. Each time I see him and feel him in me, my heart melts and I thank God for my miracle! I forgot to mention that Asher did move positions in me. He is still breech, but in a different matter. Before he was breech but lying more sideways in me. This time his head is near my chest and his bottom at the opposite end. Also his tailbone is pressed up against my bladder, which describes my many trips to the bathroom! So his new position explains why the heart monitor detects his heart rate at the center of my belly and why I feel more squished near my ribs lol. At the end, we found out the fluid level number. With the work of Gods beautiful hands and his everlasting grace, his total level is 4.8 cm! What does this mean? First, it means all your prayers are making a difference and that God is AMAZING! Well a normal woman who hasn't had her water break yet, but is considered having low fluid where they would still need to be at rest would be considered 5 cm. I am .2 from that point! That is indeed a miraculous work of God! We feel so blessed, and know God is watching over Asher and us throughout this fight! Every little increase is a victory to us! 

After the ultrasound, dad and James left. Yes another evening, but I have plenty to keep me occupied and I wouldn't change this bumpy path for a moment! Lying here is a blessing from God and is making Asher stronger each day! I smile as I ly here and type this very sentence, as I feel Asher moving inside me. Asher makes me strong. He has changed my world. He has made my faith in God stronger and my relationship with God closer. He has made me realize what a blessing each day is. I am here to be the best mommy I can be to him and fight for him. I am his cheerleader, and I know God has a very special plan for him. 

Dear God, thank You for being right beside me each moment and fighting with me. Thank You for Your miraculous works and everlasting love! Because of the work of your beautiful hands, Asher is the strong little man he is! I put my full trust in You as Your paths are the greatest, and You know what is best for Asher. You are my strength as you keep me strong through this journey. You are my song, as you bring light to my day and each day I want to sing in praise to You. You are an AMAZING God. I love you above all things! 

Thank all of you for bringing me strength in my everyday too. Your prayers are keeping Asher and I strong, along with James and my family too. We feel your prayers surrounding us and sing praise to God for all of the love and care you are pouring upon Asher and us. Let us continue to fight with Asher united with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints. We love all of you so much and can't be more grateful for all your prayers in this fight! 


  1. That is amazing Jenna!! You're continuously in our prayers!! 😘

  2. What wonderful news from your ultrasound! Keep up the good work and your strength; and we will keep praying for you!

  3. So glad to hear this! We keep continuing the prayers for all of you:)
