Wednesday, June 8, 2016

God Brings Joy

Our feelings are not a surprise to God, and he is the only being in the universe that can handle the storms of our soul. So get real with God in prayer. (Reflection from Daily Bible Verse).

You will show me the path to life,
fullness of joys in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever.
R. Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope.

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Last night I stayed up a little later than normal as I was using Washi tape to create a unique letter E for Easton's room. I am one of those people that when I begin something, it is hard for me to stop until I am done lol. Anyways, Easton is coming here tomorrow, which I can't wait as I haven't seen my little buddy since Saturday. So, I wanted to get the E done for him as a little gift to him from me. I know it won't be as exciting as getting a hot wheel or truck etc., but I think he will be excited to see the deer on it. It will be one of those pieces that I add to his room decor that will be cherished in my heart forever because it will always bring me back to this moment in my life and remind me to cherish each and every moment with Easton.

As James slept in, I ordered my breakfast and read my daily Bible Verse and Daily readings. The nurse under Dr. Fitzpatrick came in. She did her normal check and just checked that I was doing alright. She made a note to say that she was glad to see my fluid levels were where they are. I then asked her about my blood count as I didn't hear the results yet. God is so beautiful! My blood count dropped back to 11, which was a blessing!

After she left, I ate my breakfast and awaited for James to wake up. I always count down the minutes because I look forward to the blinds being opened and seeing the nice day outside. Along with James being here with me, the sunshine also brightens my everyday! It again makes me realize how much I took for granted the curtains and blinds opened in my house and when teaching the outdoor view I got to see each school day. It's the little things that truly mean the most in our lives and sadly we often miss them as they become routine.

As the reflection for the Daily Bible verse says above, to make it through the twists, turns, bumps, and climbs in life you need that relationship with God. Trying to swim through them without Him will lead you to stress, sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, etc. Instead of finding the light, you will just dig yourself in a deeper, darker hole. With faith and trust in God, You will instead dig yourself out of the rut and see a bright light filled with happiness, hope, and love. This experience is teaching me so much. Prayer was always important to me, but I didn't make the time for it that I needed. Instead I let all the to dos get in front of my prayer time. I have learned that in each day we have to make that time our priority because without God we are nothing and our life just seems to go crazy. With God, even with all our crazy schedules, we prosper and there is a calmness found in our hearts.. the calmness of God's presence. He is the greatest Guide in our lives and through faith and trust in Him, He will guide us to the greatest path filled with the greatest joy.

Thank you God for being my light throughout my life, and especially during this fight for Asher. If I didn't have you, I would be in a very dark place and lost. I am so blessed to have You by my side each and every moment of my life. You give me hope, love, faith, trust, and a warming embrace through even the toughest climbs. I am who I am because of You. I want nothing else but to be as close to You as I can be. I place my full trust in You and I know Asher and I are in the greatest hands. You give us the strength we need and never leave our side. You are miraculous and amazing. I love You above all things!

Wow! I can't express enough how much your prayers are surrounding us, making us strong, and helping Asher in this fight! Know you truly make a difference in our lives! Let us continue to fight for Asher together with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints! Asher is a true miracle, and I can't thank God enough for all of his daily miraculous works!


  1. Hooray for your blood count coming back down! God is good ☺

  2. Good news again about your blood count!! Love this post about trusting God and making time each day for him:) I try to do the same as it does make the good and bad times better!
