Thursday, July 7, 2016

Happy Anniversary

I want to begin this post wishing my husband James a Happy 4 year anniversary! I can't believe it has been 4 years already. I look back and see what a blessing these 4 years have been and what they have brought us. Within these 4 years we have lived in two homes and had a son Easton who is going on 3, and awaiting a miracle to arrive soon. We have grown closer each day and been with one another through thick and thin. I am so grateful that God blessed me to be your wife. I couldn't have a more loving husband who goes out of his way to always show me how much he cares. I love you so much! We may not get to celebrate outside this room, but we can always do that down the road. After all, we have so much to celebrate in this room together that we could never do if we were just out to eat or enjoying a day outside. There is nothing greater than spending time in this room, listening to our miracle stay strong on the monitor and know sometime very soon he will be in our arms! That by far is the greatest anniversary gift!! Happy Anniversary! I love you in more ways than you will know! 😍

Asher had another strong night on the monitors, and I only had a couple mild contractions. When my nurse put me on the monitors this morning at 4, she came in shortly after and said the computers were down so she would have to watch my monitor the old school way inside my room while I slept. So I slept soundly for a half hour while she watched, until I heard James' alarm clock go off. All of a sudden he rose up and made a loud noise, the kind of noise you make when you don't want to get up. He had no clue the nurse was in there, and when he heard she and I laughing, he said in an excited manner, " huh, o I didn't know she was in here!" He was confused at first and thought maybe I contracted again, but then we explained the computers were down. It was a funny moment that brought laughter into the early morning.

After James left, I noticed a wet feeling on my wrist near my iv. Sure enough my sheets were wet too. I looked closer and saw my iv was leaking. It made me cringe as I didn't want to go through another iv stick, as I already had a blown vein last week that has now turned into a yellow bruise. But they had to take it out. As the nurse took it out, my wrist had a weird, almost numb like feeling. I told her and she said some fluid got under my skin so it will swell a bit. She made me feel a little better when she told me that I wouldn't have to get stuck with another iv until tonight. So I would have a small break, even though I didn't look forward to another iv getting stuck back into my right arm. I just pray the nurse doesn't blow my vein, and it goes in smoothly. I keep reminding myself this is nothing, so stop worrying!

After breakfast, I fell asleep for a couple hours. I woke up as my morning nurse came in to give me my meds etc, and put me back on the monitors. As she put me back on, she was happy to say that they got the computers to work again, so they could monitor me from their station. I then told her that my wrist felt very swollen from the IV leak, so she wrapped it in a warm towel. Asher again stayed strong as I talked to my sister on the phone. It is hard to believe that her big day is in 2 days! So we talked again about skyping and other wedding things. She wished me a happy 4 year anniversary and said she really wished I didn't have to miss the big day, but was so glad that God gave me this opportunity to keep our little Asher strong! I did have one larger contraction while talking to her, but didn't feel any other. Random contractions have become my new norm. Once off the phone, my monitors came off and I took the warm rag off my wrist so I could eat lunch. My wrist was still a little swollen, but felt a lot better!

A couple hours later, my nurse came in and closed my blinds. There was a storm coming so it was their mandatory routine. I am one that rather watch the storm, but they had to do what they had to do. If it would get any worse, they work lead me to the bathroom. Luckily, it got windy and rained, but never got to the point of having to take cover in my bathroom.

As it stormed, my Aunt Doni and Uncle/Godfather Paul stopped in to visit. I was so glad to see them as company always made my day. They brought me a gift, so I opened it and it was a beautiful butterfly windchime. Doni said she knew that butterflies had a significant meaning to my family as they were our sign that Josh was right with us. So, she knew it would be perfect, and it truly is! I can't wait to place it back by our screened in porch when I arrive back home. We want to eventually plant a butterfly bush back there, so it will fit perfectly! I enjoyed their company. It made my afternoon fly by. Thank you so much Doni and Paul for taking time out of your day to visit me! Your kindness, prayers, and thoughtfulness mean so much to me! 😊

After they left, the massage therapist came in. She had stopped in yesterday, but I was eating  lunch and spending time with my dad on his birthday. So today was a perfect day for a massage. I even joked with James by saying thank you for the massage... what a nice anniversary present lol. She massaged my legs, neck, and shoulders. It was very relaxing and felt so good to get pampered! She said she will try to be back once a week. She was on maternity leave until now. I couldn't ask for a better gift today... it helped my tension ease up.

Currently, I am on the monitors. Asher is beating strong. Again all praise lifted to God! I love hearing his heart, it just reminds me how blessed we are that God gave us a miracle who we will meet soon in God's beautiful timing. I look forward to spending the evening with James tonight. Again ww can't  leave to celebrate, but just being with each other means so much to me! I am so blessed to always have him by my side! Even though I miss my buddy, I can't wait to see him through Skype. I keep wondering...  will he walk down the aisle? Will he run down the aisle? Will he throw the pillow? Will he play hide and seek in the pews? Will he freeze in back of Church? Or will he cling onto Papaw's leg and walk down the aisle with him and Lacy and give Lacy away with my dad? Lol. I always love seeing what the ring bearers and flower girls do. So, I can't wait to see what my little Easton does!

Dear God, Thank You for another beautiful day. Even though it was cloudy, You brought me the gift of company and relaxation. Thank You for my amazing husband. You knew He was perfect for me as he never leaves my side, fights with me, and does all the can to make everyone smile. Thank You for continuing to hold Asher's tiny hand and keep him amazingly strong. You are miraculous! You have given us a miracle and we sing all our praise to You! Your love is amazing! We trust fully in You in Your perfect timing and keeping us strong and safe. We love You above all things! Amen.

As I say time again and again, thank you so much for fighting along with us! Your prayers mean so much to us and are keeping us strong. You are amazing prayer warriors who never give up. Asher is the strong fighter he is because your prayers surround him. Let us unite hand in hand with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints in this miraculous fight! God is truly merciful! Let us sing our praises to Him for our little miracle Asher!


  1. Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless your marriage and your family.

  2. Happy Anniversary!! Happy you and Asher are doing well! May God continue to bless you!

  3. Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!! Happy 4 years to both of you:) Prayers continued for all of you!
    Alison, Matt, & Lisa
