Saturday, May 28, 2016

You Are My Sunshine

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the Justice of your cause like the noonday sun." Psalm 37:5-6 ( a quote out of an inspirational Bible quote book from my family.... After opening it I turned to the themed section titled "anxiety" as you turn to the section that expresses how you feel at that very moment. This was the quote that stared right at me and fit with today just perfectly.. Another God Moment!)

You know with God you will always find sunlight even in the darkest places or on challenging roads in life. Well today I truly had sunshine enter my heart and hospital room in several ways.

Along with having the greatest nurse possible today during a tougher day, I will never forget when my nurse and my dad and I were in the room just chatting about great pediatricians in Evansville, there was a knock on the door. I was thinking it was my mom and sister arriving or James returning from his errands. Instead a lady from the hospital brought in a cart that had a crate filled with all kinds of yellow goodies and a painted plank sign saying "You are my sunshine." As she carried the heavy beautiful crate to my bed, so I could see all what was inside, my eyes were amazed at not only what all was inside of the crate from yellow colored candles, Smiley faces, bubbles, signs that said love and hope to a yellow magnetic chalkboard, headband, snacks galore, etc., but my eyes were also amazed at how thoughtful my students and their families were to create this neat and meaningful basket to bring me sunshine. They truly picked the perfect day to bring me sunshine too, as it was a more uncomfortable day. God truly works through people in amazing ways! Thank all of you for this gift of sunshine! I love you all so much and couldn't be blessed with a greater group of students and parents! Please know it truly meant the world to me!

So along with the sunshine brought to my room, my parents and sister came to be my cheerleaders for the day. I was so glad to see my sister! My parents were suppose to go to Indy to see her and so mom could help her with wedding items this weekend, but with the events of the week, Lacy came home instead. Her and mom spent the day working on wedding to dos yesterday, and then came to shower me with a couple gifts, cards, their love, and most importantly their company. Being the creative decorators they are, they brought sunshine to my room by decorating it with their gifts and the gifts from their students and their families. It truly made me feel at home! My sister had to go back to Indy, which was hard because I didn't know when we would see each other again. She is getting married July 9 in Bloomington, and I am her maid of honor. We aren't sure how God will plan that as we fight for Asher, but either way I will be there whether I am wheeling up the aisle in my  bridesmaid dress or sitting in my hospital bed in my gown watching it on Skype. What is most important is Asher as he needs us to fight with him. That my sister and I can totally agree!

Then of course my sunshine is God, Josh, all the Angels and Saints, and all of you! It is through all of you being right here with me in this fight for Asher, that keeps me strong. Your prayers and faith surround me each day and brighten my days just like the sunshine. So thank all of you for being my sunshine! I love you all so much and God above all things! His works are miraculous and His love unending. If it wasn't for his sunshine that takes away the rain, I wouldn't be the strong fighter I am! Thank you God for being my sunshine as You are with us always in this fight for Asher and guiding us to the best path for Asher. You are my God, and I am so grateful for that! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me smile! Those gifts really are a sign of God working through others! You are an inspiration to me Jenna! While at mass this morning, I will pray for you and Asher!
