Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Difficult Night, But Worth So Much!

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; it's leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. " Jeremiah 17:7-8.

Last night was a difficult night. I did well with my steroids pretty much all yesterday until night time struck. First it was uncomfortable to stay in the bed attached to an IV machine along with the sweaty leg squeezers on my feet, and contraction and heart monitor belts around my waist. Because  Asher is still tiny, they have to put other things around the heart monitor belt to put more pressure so we can hear it clearly to monitor. This was the first night I had to sleep with all of the connections. But that was nothing. In bed I would feel like I was baking in the desert heat, but when I got up to use the restroom, my whole body would shiver and shake like I was living inside an igloo at the South Pole. Then I would return to bed and half my body was still inside the igloo while the other half was baking in the desert. On top of that, pains down real low began to form. First it started on my left side then it looped around my back. I still hadn't got my uranalysis back from yesterday as they found some sugar in it, so we were unsure if it was due to all the belts looped around me, an infection, or gas pains as my belly felt full of them...not to gross anyone out! I just remember watching the clock tick and tick, and I just kept praying Lord I can do this. Jesus suffered for me far worse than any pain I could imagine, so even though I feel in pain, I can do this! Asher is worth it!!

 While feeling like this, my thoughts turned to all of the cancer patients, especially the young children. What I was experiencing was only for a few hours. They have weeks, months, and years of treatments that are worse than what I was experiencing. That thought let me know I would pull through and couldn't complain. After all, it was all worth it for Asher! 

Before I knew it, it was 7:30 am, and my favorite nurse Charlene returned! She could tell I looked flushed and rougher, but had the blessing of taking me off the steroids. Within an hr, I began to feel better. I eventually could turn off the fan that was there to cool my hot flashes, walk to the restroom without being connected to a pole and not feeling like I was on a ship in the wavy sea. I gained an appetite back and ate breakfast and lunch and even some delicious peanutbutter pie that Easton helped my mother-in-law make. My pain in my lower area began to get better as well. However, due to glucose found inthe urine, I began testing my blood sugar levels today, once before breakfast, then 2hrs after lunch and supper. Again, this is nothing! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. As I can't help but mention how James brings Charlene and myself laughter as he cringes at the sound of a prick of a finger lol!

So yes it might have been a rough night with discomfort, temperature changes, pain, and worry, but it was only so many hours. Sometimes we think our days are so dark and painful, which we definitely face them because those times are made to bring us closer to God. However, it is these times that let you reflect on how much worse life could be. God blesses us all in so many ways! 

Again, we can't say enough how much of a treasure all if you are to us! We feel your prayers and fight each day! We pray that you continue to join us in the fight for Asher as he gets stronger each day! We pray that God guides us to Asher's will, as it is the greatest, and we trust fully in His miraculous works! He is a caring, generous, and merciful God! How amazing it is to experience the unending feeling of all of us joining God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints as prayer warriors in this fight! We are so blessed!

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