Wednesday, September 28, 2016

God's Timing

It is hard to believe that Asher has now conquered 40 weeks! We are now in the home stretch and God's beautiful timing of his arrival home with us is so close! He is now a little over 7 pounds and getting so big, so strong, and is truly a miraculous blessing in our life. Happy 40 Weeks to our little miracle!! We love you so much!! Hugs, Kisses, and so much Love~ Mommy, Daddy, Easton

Timing.... Patience... Trust.... Hope..... Gratitude.... Blessed..... Miraculous....

These aren't just words..... they have such important meaning in my life and all of our lives. This journey has truly taught me so much and has really defined how important each of these ingredients are in our lives.

God has truly taught me so much. He has reminded me that it isn't our timing.... it is His perfect timing. He has taught me the gift of patience. We all wish we can have things now, but life doesn't work that way. And it is a blessing that it doesn't happen that way. For if we were blessed to have everything we wanted right when we wanted each time, where would our relationship with God be? Wouldn't we be too caught up in ourselves and only worry about getting what we want instead of focusing on the beauty of how God works in our lives?

I am going to reflect back on the last week on how God has reminded me of the beauty of His timing and the gift of patience.

Last Wednesday, while my mom watched Easton throughout the week so I could spend more time with Asher and breast feed him, I headed in as he was scheduled for several tests that day as he is in the home stretch. When I entered the main nicu, a nurse told me that he had graduated to Nursery B, which was down the hall and a smaller nicu for babies about to go home. It made me smile as again I couldn't wait for that day to come and felt blessed that he graduated to the smaller nicu! When I arrived, the nurse told me that he wasn't a happy camper that morning when they moved him as it was right at his morning feeding time, and he didn't get fed in time. The poor guy would have to be awaken two more times throughout my time there for a MRI and a heart ultrasound. First was his MRI. He wasn't happy when we had to wake him up, as he assumes that means feeding time. So we did all we could by comforting him with a paci as we had to walk him all the way across the Hospital to Gateway (about a 10 minute walk) in his little crib. Once we arrived, they weren't ready for him. We all hated to hear that as it is hard to have a baby wait... especially as we had to wait for a good 20 minutes and he already was upset! He was fussy and didn't like the wait, but once he got in the MRI machine, he did really well, and we were all proud of him. Next he had his eco test on his heart where again he was woken up, but this time more content. He did very well for that test too. Finally he got to eat and rest, which he needed as he had a busy day with getting moved around and having a couple tests.

Thursday, the nicu doctor called me to tell me that his MRI was normal and that his heart eco looked good but had a small opening in one vessel that should close on its own, but will get it checked in a couple months to be sure. Then the most beautiful words rolled out of her mouth as she said that Asher was being a rock star without his nasal canula and if he continued to do well, we could room in Friday and take him home Saturday. I will never forget that unbelievable happy moment! Mom had come down that morning, and we were doing some "Spring Cleaning" (I know it isn't Spring lol) as we knew Asher's homecoming was very near. We were in the midst of cleaning ceiling fans when my phone rang and that amazing news entered my ears! I was so filled with joy and was almost in shock. I then got the overwhelming feeling as I felt like I was ready for him, but the house wasn't. My to do list hit my brain, and I wrote down my to do's. However, I let go of the anxiety eventually and reminded myself that we will be ready..  and all that mattered was our miracle would be home so soon! It is just funny because I look back and can count back 18 weeks of this journey.... and yes that seems really long.... but man how fast it truly went! With the gift of all of your prayers and God as my rock, this journey has flown by and has brought so many blessings in my life! So when those words of him coming home hit my ears, it felt almost unbelievable that he was in the home stretch!

That evening I brought in Asher's car seat as they were ready for his car seat study. In order for him to go home, he would have to be able to sit in a car seat for 1 hr 30 minutes. That doesn't seem hard I know.. but for a nicu baby it can be a challenge. As preemies are usually born with underdeveloped lungs, sitting in that position can be difficult for them to adjust. They planned on doing his study that evening. When I arrived back home, I excitedly picked out Asher's take home outfit and blankets etc. to bring in Friday evening when we stayed over. I couldn't describe the beautiful feeling in my heart that I felt. Right before bed, I placed Asher's freshly cleaned sheets on his crib mattress in our bedroom again smiling that his homecoming was really happening soon.

I couldn't wait to head in Friday morning! James' brother Adam came down to watch Easton and took him to Gatti Town etc, while I headed to spend the morning with our miracle. When I arrived, his nurse was busy but informed me that she had to sit down and talk with me. Nerves hit me, as I just had a feeling that it probably meant that maybe he wouldn't be going home quite yet. When she finally caught a break as it was a busy day in the nicu with 30+ babies, she informed me that he failed his car seat study Thursday evening. I wanted to sit down and cry. I will never forget that feeling.. my heart felt like it broke into pieces... yet I held myself together. After 35 minutes in his car seat, his saturation dipped down to 82. For the test he can't dip below 92. They could try it 1 more time that day with a car seat specialist there to be sure they have him in the car seat correctly and to see if they could add any cushion to help him. If he didn't pass it, they would have to wait another 2 days before trying it again. This meant that he wouldn't be going home as planned. This meant that we wouldn't be staying over with him that evening. This meant it wasn't God's perfecting timing for him to go home. I felt torn. I only hoped for all to go as planned. However, I reminded my self of being patient and remembering that God knows His perfect timing. Yes, I longed to hold him that weekend at home on the couch. Yes, I longed to let Easton bond with him for the first time. Yes, I couldn't wait to walk him in the door at home. Yet, I trust God and know He has a beautiful day planned for him to experience all of that... and very soon! My broken heart began to bond back together as I held him in my arms and looked at my little man and smile at how far he has come.... again the thought of what could of been hit my mind... and praises to God sung through my mind at the miracle he brought us! Waiting a few more days was nothing... I would wait as long as I needed.... because Asher's health and coming home at God's perfect timing is what matters the most to me!

After feeding him, he rested calmly in my arms. Then the photographer came by to take his baby photos, which I was excited about! I got him a personalized onesie that said... "Asher- Brave Little Warrior" with Arrows on it of course! I then brought in the same deer outfit that Easton wore in his newborn photos. I look forward to putting their deer photos together in our house and see how similar/different they look. Following his photos, he got circumcised. It felt good to get all of that done, so when that beautiful day arrives, we will have items already checked off our list.

When Saturday came, the doctor again talked to me and decided to give him another 5 days in the nicu to be sure he didn't need to go back on oxygen and had time to prosper some more. I agreed that would be good as I wanted to be sure he came home when he was truly ready. They would do his car seat test again mid week.

He did well over the weekend. However, the nurses would occasionally have trouble with his bottle feedings with him choking some. He seems to be able to pace himself much better with breast than bottle. The nipples of the bottle come out faster and it challenges him more to get the suck, swallow, breathe in rhythm, as he is still learning to adjust. As he grows stronger, it will become easier.

Sunday afternoon we took Easton to Maize Farm. As it was possibly the last weekend to get out and do something with him before Asher's arrival home, we wanted to do something special together. He absolutely loves pumpkins and being outside, so we felt this would be something fun that he would love... and that he did! We first went on a hay ride and let Easton pick a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch. It cracked us up as he chose the smallest pumpkin. James tried to guide him into picking a large pumpkin, but he said they were too heavy. It melted our hearts when he said that in the sweetest way. So we ended up picking Asher a large pumpkin while Easton picked the smallest one! :) Easton then got to ride a small pony for the first time. He looked so big on it! He then enjoyed playing on the tractor play set, walking through a corn maze, going down a large slide, racing ducks, etc. Before leaving, we let him pick out 3 small pumpkins/gourds. He of course had to choose one of them as a white one as he likes ghosts. He already told me that he wants to be a ghost for Halloween... which Easton and I just made his ghost costume yesterday (Saturday) together. It turned out so cute!!

When Monday came around, I was filled with gratitude to hear that Dr. Pyle was on for the next two weeks. It was a blessing from God... I knew He knew how much Dr. Pyle meant to me. After all he sent Dr. Pyle to me throughout my bed rest stay to keep me positive, informed, and to make me smile. He is truly an angel to me! So, what a gift it would be to be able to take Asher home when he was on shift! He called me in the afternoon to update me. He decided that Asher needed to go back on the oxygen for a few more weeks to help him prosper some more. With him having such little fluid in me for 7 weeks, his lungs were very underdeveloped. Then he got that infection early on. So, the oxygen will only help his lungs prosper some more. Again, it wasn't what I had hoped. It wasn't what I had planned. I only hoped he could breathe room air on his own, but God knows best, and I know He is working through Dr. Pyle to provide Asher with the best care. He then informed me that his plan is to have me breastfeed 5 times and have ready made formula 3 times to help him prosper and grow. Eventually the plan is to be pure breast milk.

As the nicu is swamped with God's beautiful miracles, Dr. Pyle didn't get to call me until this evening for his update. Those beautiful words hit my ear once more! He said he was looking into Sunday for Asher to go home. He had a dip in heart rate this past Sunday, which they call a Brady. When that happens, it pushes them 5 days back. However, God has blessed him so far this week with being brady free. So, as long as he continues to stay strong, his plan is to send Asher home on the low amount of oxygen until he is indeed ready to come off. It was a little scary to hear that, as he will be sent home on a monitor too. However, I trust in God's beautiful plan, and I know He would be right there with me to help me care for Asher! I look forward to the beautiful day when God blesses him with arriving home.....maybe Sunday!

So what do I hope you get out of this post? I pray that when things don't go as planned, you remember that God is guiding to you an even more beautiful plan. I pray that when things seems to take forever to happen, that you remember to be patient as God will let it happen at the most perfect timing. Our world is so fast paced, that it is often hard to be patient and hard to remember there is a reason why things may not be going as we had hoped. No matter how busy our world is, God is right here with us. He is writing our story. We got to trust in His plan, not ours. After all, His plans are so much more beautiful... just like this miraculous journey has been!

Dear Loving God, Thank You for the gifts of patience and timing. I trust fully in Your most perfect timing that Asher will be healed. I sing praises to you each day for holding Asher in Your healing and loving arms. You keep him strong! I pray You may continue to prosper him. I pray in Your timing that he may be blessed off oxygen and grow in his feedings. I pray You may bless him during his car seat test coming again soon. I thank You for reminding me the importance of being patient. I pray that when Your perfect timing comes, that You may continue to be right there with us at home to care for Asher in the best possible way. I pray that You keep us all healthy to help Asher stay strong. You are a beautiful and merciful God who I love above all things! Amen.

You are all so powerful! Your endless prayers are constantly surrounding us, and we couldn't be more grateful. Thank you all for keeping us strong! May we continue to unite hand in hand with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints in this miraculous journey for our little Asher. God is so beautiful and all of you are so amazing! Asher is the strong little warrior he is because of God's great mercy and your powerful prayers!

P.S. Check out or Etsy store at the link below. We have added some new items! If you are interested in anything you can order with the promo code: PRAYERWARRIOR10

for 10% off or if able to pick up in Evansville or Jasper email us your order at and you will still get 10%ofg all thanks for being amazing prayer warriors in this miraculous fight!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Happy 38 Weeks... near 39 Weeks!

Wow! Where has time gone? I really  now realize how busy we are in the world we live in! Looking back on my journey of 7 weeks of bed rest at the hospital, I really got to cherish each day fully and was blessed with time to focus fully on my prayer life and sharing this amazing story with you. I will forever cherish that time as I really got to fully relax in God. As I am back into reality, I still am sure to take each moment and praise God for His daily blessings. I still am sure to take time to be with God and pray. However, I feel at times I am not giving him enough of my time as my days are filled with so much. At times it begins to really bother me, but then I stop and remind myself that isn't what God wants me to feel or think. Any moment of time with him each day is what matters to him. He knows our world is busy, but He doesn't want the world's busyness to take over time with him. So where am I getting to with all of this? When we have time to fully be with him.... take advantage of it and truly be with him! Those 7 weeks were a gift from God... giving Asher and me time to fight together and to let us rest fully in God! When our days are crazy and we don't know if we can handle much more, rest in God and don't forget to take a moment to do just that. Even if it is for 5 minutes, take it and rest in Him. After all, He will be your calm in your day of craziness. Don't feel guilty when you feel like you aren't giving Him enough time. Remember.... He cherishes any amount of time with us... what is most important to Him is that we give him that time each day. This experience has changed my life.... and no matter how crazy my day is... I will find time to rest in Him... He is my rock, my calmness, and my Greatest Friend!

So much has occured over the past couple weeks! Let's begin with the greatest blessing.. our little miracle Asher!

He is now a happy and strong 38 weeker... heading to a 39 weeker on Saturday! He has officially doubled his birth weight.... now weighing in at 6 pounds and 4 ounces! Our next big moment, which we are currently working on, is getting him to full feeds off the feeding tube. He is still at a very low oxygen setting, but the doctor plans on keeping him there until he conquers the feeding tube. He is up to 52 ccs of breast milk... which is amazing... growing strong! As Asher was born early with underdeveloped lungs, it is a learning experience to be adjusted to a bottle. He has had a feeding tube since the beginning, so it is a new learning experience also as he got so use to it. His challenge  is to learn to suck, swallow, and breathe through his bottle feedings. Currently he is taking about 30 ccs of breast milk through bottle and the other 20+ through tube. The reasoning is that he is still struggling a bit with the suck, swallow, and breathe causing him to choke. Until we can get that under control, we will feed him through both and gradually get off the tube when he is ready. He has therapists working with him on these strategies. So please say a special prayer that God may bless him off the tube in His most beautiful timing.

I am also trying to breast feed him. The challenge is getting in there enough to get him use to it. With James working and I taking care of Easton during the week, it is a challenge to get there but more than one time a day. They recommend that I try at least 2 times a day, which is easier on weekends. However, my parents helped out this week by taking Easton home with them for a few days so I could get in to work with Asher on breastfeeding twice a day. Asher has been doing pretty good with it... that is when he is awake lol. With preemie babies, we can't feed them if they are sleepy and not alert. So during those times, he is fed through a tube. Most of the time though he has done very well and gets close to an ounce (30 ccs) of breast milk before falling asleep on me, and then rest through tube. He is a true warrior, and I have complete faith that God will bless him off his feeding tube in His perfect timing. Patience is key!

I thank God each day for my strong little man! Each time I look at him I think back to what could have been, and praise God for the miracle He gave us! I really can't believe 40 weeks is almost here. His planned c-section was to be this Monday the 19th. Again the key word "planned". We can plan anything we like, but in reality God's plan always shines right through to an even greater and more beautiful plan! At 40 weeks...... that will officially be 18 weeks of hospital stay combined for Asher and I! We have been at the hospital each day for 1/3 of the year! Crazy I know! But I wouldn't change one moment! God's miraculous works have shined through the nurses and doctors at the amazing hospital and brought us our little miracle! I look forward to bringing him soon.. in God's perfect timing!

As we wait for his arrival at home, James has been busy getting our company going! He has built several trays.. and we even have sold some to some of our amazing prayer warriors! He has also built a Christmas sign and Stocking Holders. Our next venture is to create monogrammed stenciled trays. We are patiently waiting for our stencils! Then go onto making rustic arrows as they have a very special meaning to us! The arrows are to signify strength and bravery... what makes a strong warrior... just like our little warrior! As I have already asked James to create arrows for Asher's warrior themed nursery, we then were led to the decision to make them to sell also as a beautiful way to say thank you to our amazing God for blessing Asher with strength. My mom is also having James create a special arrow for her. We will then move on to creating napkin holders and maybe even chicken wire mason jars with rustic wood backing to hang on a wall. We have tons of other ideas in our minds... and I also have to give credit to my sister and mom for giving us ideas to create and sell! We thank God for James talent of wood working and giving us this idea as it is something we both enjoy and it brings us peace to build each item... it is soothing to our soul as we journey together throughout the year to take the greatest care of Asher and Easton.
My Godchild Spencer holding a cookie and milk tray we created for them... he is eager to make Santa some cookies and milk to put on the tray at Christmas! 

Our first Christmas sign we made... we love how it turned out!

We made this stocking holder out of barnwood from the barns of Southern Indiana!

Check out our store at the link below! If you are interested in purchasing any of our items, we are offering you 10% off for veing Asher's prayer warrior! If ordering off of Etsy, use the code PRAYERWARRIOR10. If you are in the Evansville or Jasper area and can pick up your items, you will get 10% off the Etsy price too plus no shipping cost! We want to thank you in advance if you are interested in purchasing, it means sooo much to us! Also if you could share our store with others that means so much too! Stay tuned as we will add items to our store throughout the coming weeks! Most importantly, thank you for all your prayers... those are what matter the most to us!

To order through me insteas of Etsy and pick up in Jasper or Evansville: email us your order at

Lastly, I can't leave out stories of my daily delight... Easton! He has really grown this summer! He is a true chatter box! He cracks me up each morning as he wakes me up and tells me that I have to pump and give him his cereal bar. This past week we visited the post office quite a bit to get items weighed and to ship out one of our trays. Each time he went, he called it the mailman's house. It was too cute! He wants to be just like daddy... as he has had to paint blocks while daddy stained wood. He has had to get a pencil and put it on top of his ear just like daddy. He has had to take a mini tape measure and pretend to measure things just like daddy.... his measurements are in dollars tho.. everything to him is $2.00! He even helped daddy pick weeds! The other day when he and I were outside and daddy was still working, he had to even come and show me a weed in the landscaping and pick it out! He also loves to be just like mommy! While I vacuumed the house, he had to get his toy push mower and pretend to vacuum with me. As I was cutting strapping off a package of boxes, he took his play scissors and pretended to cut with me. As I was writing on a box with a marker, he too had to have a pen to write on his own piece of paper. The best moments of the week though were when he crawled into bed with me after James left for work, and told me he loved me and then fell asleep, when he asked me to play the song "Every Move I Make" (or as he calls it.. the "na na" song as he moves his pointer fingers up in down as I taught him that move when we sing it together) to worship Jesus together, and when he randomly went and got my Rosary and prayed to Jesus to heal Asher's lungs ("ungs")! All these moments melted my heart and are beautiful God Moments! These moments are so special to James and I.....what a special big brother he already is!
Easton has my Rosary clasped in his hands pausing to pray to Jesus for his little brother and asking Jesus to heal his "ungs".

Dear Loving God, I praise You for all Your beautiful blessings in my life! Thank You for this amazing journey. Thank You for the time in the hospital to rest fully in You. Thank You for letting me rest in You even on my craziest days. Thank You for always blessing me with strength even on days where I feel exhausted and overloaded. Thank You for blessing us with a miracle from You! Thank You for keeping Asher strong and holding him in Your loving and healing arms. Thank You for blessing us with God Moments each day. Thank You for blessing us with Easton's love and special moments. Thank You for James' talent and this beautiful idea to bring us the gift of peace as we take care of our two blessings from you.. Easton and Asher. You are a merciful and loving God who I trust completely and have complete faith that You will bless Asher with complete healing in Your most perfect time. I pray You may prosper him through his feedings. May You continue to shine Your miraculous works through him guiding all closer to You as they witness Your amazing healing grace. Please bless all the miracle babies in the nicu with healing and keep all of their families strong. I love You above all things! Amen.

To all of you... Asher's Amazing Prayer Warriors... Thank you so much for continuing to pray for our little miracle. I know I have said it time and time before, but I truly mean it... Your endless prayers do wonders! You and God keep Asher and us strong! Asher is the strong little warrior he is because of God's beautiful love and you. May we continue to unite together with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints in this miraculous journey to keep Asher the strong little warrior he is! God is AMAZING and so are all of you!

Check out this sign my sister got me from the Magnolia store in Texas (if you watch Chip and Joanna on Fixer Upped.. it's their store!) This sign is so true and is a perfect addition to Asher's Nursery! James is going to put it on barnwood. :) Thank you Lacy for this beautiful gift! It means so much to us!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A New Journey has Begun!

Wow what a crazy past couple weeks it has been! I am hoping to post soon updates on the past couple of weeks. But I do have some exciting news to share with all of you... which is part of why these past couples weeks have felt so busy.

As of today, our Etsy store has officially opened! We named it Old Southern Sawdust Co. James and I were blessed with a weekend together, while Easton spent a few days with his Papaw and Mamaw Fettes. We went out to eat for our Wedding Anniversary that was back in July thanks to a nice gift card from our good friends Jason and Ashley. We then spent the weekend together creating trays and putting our store into gear, which we truly cherished. As we both enjoy being creative, making these trays together is a gift and is a true stress reliever. Easton enjoys being right there with us playing in the saw dust and painting little scrap blocks with his paint brush and paint.. too cute!

We began our store by creating one of a kind Christmas themed rustic trays. We wanted to begin with these types of trays to honor our Miraculous God who has blessed us with a true miracle this year... our little warrior Asher.. now growing strong at 37 weeks, 5 pounds 11 ounces, and on lowest level of oxygen! As God has blessed us with our miracle, it reminds us of His GREATEST miracle He sent to all of us because of His great love for us.. Jesus... who we celebrate at Christmas. Therefore we felt what a beautiful way it would be to sing our praises to our AMAZING God! 

As of now, we have 3 different stenciled trays listed on Etsy. The sayings include "Silent Night Holy Night", "Cookies And Milk For Santa", and "Merry Christmas". Each listing is unique with a different Christmas saying on it. There are different stain finishings and font schemes to choose from for each tray as well. We are currently working on 3 more Christmas Themed trays that will also be available hopefully by the weekend. The sayings on those 3 will be: "Merry Christmas Ya'll!", "Merry Christmas", and "Wise Men Still Seek Him." We will be creating Christmas Stocking Holders as well that will include the saying "And The Stockings Were Hung" on them. We will also be selling the trays as they are without any sayings on them for those wanting a tray they can use all year. In addition we will be selling trays with monogram letters on them too and hope to get a sample possibly by the weekend as well to add as another listing on our shop. We will then expand from there as we hope to eventually create signs, mason jar/lantern holders, and napkin holders all rustic made. 

We are very excited about this beautiful new journey God has led us to as we work together to adventure through this year together.. a year that will be filled with much joy, strength, and faith as we will lean on God as our rock and guide. 

To help us spread the word about our new shop, please share our store on Facebook, Pinterest, etc. We would truly appreciate it! Also, I have attached a link to our shop below so you can get a peek at what we have created so far. In honor of the Powerful Prayer Warriors you have been throughout this whole miraculous journey and continue to be, we are wanting to offer you a special discount on any of our products. If it wasn't for your prayers, Asher wouldn't be the strong warrior he is! Your prayers truly do wonders as does our Merciful God above! Please see below for our store link and our special offers for you!

Store Link:

You can order our products in two ways:

Option 1: 

If you are in the Jasper or Evansville area and are willing to pick up your purchase either at our house in Evansville or my parents house in Jasper you can order through e-mail. We will sell all the trays to you for 10% off the listed price that is on Etsy, and you won't have to pay shipping!

To do this you will need to do the following:

1. Visit our Etsy shop and decide on the product you would like. 

2. E-mail us at and tell us which product it is and the details needed.(For example: Silent Night tray, 18x12x2.5", Weathered Grey finish, Rustic White font) Please also include your name, phone number, and where you plan to pick it up (Evansville or Jasper). You may also have others pick the items up for you if you are out of town, but have family or friends who can get it for you to deliver to you at a later time. 

3. We will then respond to your e-mail to let you know we received it, provide you with details (payment options etc.) and ask any needed questions.  We will then e-mail you when your product is ready to pick up (1-2 weeks depending on number of orders). 

Option 2:

If you are either unable to pick up your products or prefer to have the product shipped to your house, you can simply order through our Etsy shop and put the following promotion code that will deduct 10% from your purchase. Please note you will still have to pay some shipping with this option.

The promotion code is: PRAYERWARRIOR10

Please choose what is most convenient for you! 

You all mean the world to us, so any purchases from you our amazing prayer warriors would be the most special to us! Therefore we will be including a special thank you prayer from our little miracle along with each product you our prayer warriors order! Know that Asher smiles each day as he feels your endless prayers surrounding him. YOU keep him strong and YOU keep us strong! 

We love all of you so much! Let us continue to journey together in prayer hand in hand with God, Josh, and all the Angels and Saints to keep Asher strong and heal him in His perfect timing. Prayers are so powerful and God is MIRACULOUS!